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Amoxycillin and clavulanic acid is a combination of penicillin-type antibiotic which is being used to treat a wide variety of the bacterial infections.


  • It is also known as pencillin anti-biotic.
  • It works by preventing the formation of the bacterial protective covering which is essential for the survival of bacteria.
  • Also, it is used to treat bacterial infections; such as chest infections (including pneumonia) and dental abscess.

Clavulanic Acid

  • It is an inhibitor of beta-lactamase enzymes.
  • It contains a beta-lactan ring that binds to the beta-lactamase active side and inactivates the enzyme, thereby enhancing the antibacterial effect of beta-luctam antibiotics.

Benefits Of Bacxil-625

    It is being used to treat the certain infections caused by the bacteria, including the infections of the ear's , lung's, sinus, skin and urinary tract.

Uses Of Bacxil-625

  • Treatment of bacterial infections.